Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 2010 Ministry Update

Dear friends,

clip_image006Earlier this month, millions of Christians from all over the world prayed together in unity for the peace of Jerusalem! It is humbling to think that from our little office in Clarence, NY, a worldwide prayer initiative has been launched that includes over 183 nations. Thank you for your faithful support of the work of Eagles’ Wings! You and I together are raising up the largest Israel focused prayer movement in church history!!

Right before the global Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusclip_image008alem, I had the privilege of traveling to Mexico City to represent Eagles’ Wings at an “Open Heavens” conference that was held there. In addition to teaching and leading worship, I was able to bring the message of the importance of standing with Israel to many leaders and believers.

This was significant because just one week after our team was ministering in Mexico City, the Day of Prayer was held. The people of Mexico City, led by Pastor Hugo Yanez, participated fully in the Day of Prayer… and I believe that things were changed permanently in that City!

Genesis 12 says that God will bless those who bless Israel, and He will curse those who curse Israel. Because of our work


together and the faithfulness of Leaders like Pastor Hugo, Mexico City is clearly a city that is blessing Israel! Please continue to pray with me for God’s full purposes to be released for this nation and her people.

As always, I am so thankful to each of you for your faithful support and prayers. As the EW team and I travel around the world, it is such a strength to me to know that you are standing with me.

I am praying for increased blessings on you in EVERY area of your lives!

For the Kingdom,

Ryan Delling

Ryan Delling is a full time missionary on staff with Eagles’ Wings Ministries since 2002.  All Staff members of Eagles’ Wings have the privilege of developing a partnership team to undergird their ministry assignment.    Eagles’ Wings staff missionaries are currently building partnership teams to cover basic living and ministry expenses enabling them to stay on the field.

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